
The Ultimate Fall Garden Inspiration


Embracing the Beauty of Fall Gardening

Fall garden inspiration starts with embracing the rich hues and textures that this season offers. Changing your garden into a vibrant autumn landscape doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are a few quick ideas to get you started:

  • Colorful Foliage: Introduce trees and shrubs with brilliant fall colors, such as highbush blueberry and katsura trees.
  • Seasonal Plants: Add ornamental grasses, chrysanthemums, and native flowers to create a diverse and appealing garden.
  • Decorative Containers: Use pumpkins, seasonal vegetables, and potted plants to decorate entryways and patios.


With the right design and plant selection, your garden can become an enchanting autumn retreat.


At Borst Landscape & Design, we specialize in creating stunning fall gardens that improve your property’s beauty. Ready to start your fall garden change? Call us today at (201) 822-9327 or visit our contact page for expert advice and services custom to your needs.


Transform Your Garden with Fall Colors

Fall Garden Inspiration: Vibrant Foliage

Autumn is the perfect time to let your garden shine with vibrant foliage. Start with trees and shrubs that add seasonal flare. Look for leaves that turn brilliant shades of red, orange, and yellow, creating a stunning backdrop.


Topiary plants such as boxwood, privet, and yew add structure and elegance. Pair these with ornamental grasses like feather reed grass and fountain grass to introduce movement and texture. The swaying grasses create a dynamic visual effect, making your garden feel alive.


Seasonal Blooms and Edibles

Chrysanthemums are a must-have for fall gardens. Their bright blooms can be planted in container plants, window boxes, or hanging baskets. Combine them with native flowers like coneflowers, yarrows, and black-eyed Susans for a burst of color.


Raised beds and potted trees can house seasonal vegetables. Think cabbage, cauliflower, lacinato kale, and sorrel. These not only look good but also provide fresh produce.


For something unique, talk to your landscaper about planting persimmon trees.


Corn stalks and dried flower arrangements can be used to decorate your garden, adding a rustic touch. Foliage garlands featuring colorful leaves can adorn fences and entryways.


Design Ideas for a Stunning Fall Garden

Fall Garden Inspiration: Creative Décor

Transform your garden into a fall wonderland with creative décor ideas that make the most of the season’s rich textures and colors.


Fall Containers: Use decorative containers to plant seasonal favorites like chrysanthemums, coral bells, and confederate jasmine. Mix and match pots of different sizes and materials—think ceramic, terra cotta, and metal—for an eye-catching display.


Porch Décor: Welcome guests with pumpkin planters and corn stalks lining your porch. Add a foliage garland made from colorful leaves to your railings for a festive touch.


Patio Design: Create a cozy seating area with garden benches and outdoor lounges. Add a fire pit for warmth and ambiance, perfect for those crisp fall evenings.


Garden Benches: Place benches strategically to offer the best views of your fall garden. Surround them with wildflowers to create a serene retreat.


Pumpkin Planters: Hollow out pumpkins and use them as planters for seasonal flowers. This adds a whimsical touch and makes for great conversation pieces.


Fall Table Centerpiece: Make a fall table centerpiece with mini pumpkins, gourds, and dried flowers. This adds a festive touch to outdoor dining areas.


Essential Fall Gardening Tips and Maintenance

Preparing Your Garden for Winter

Getting your garden ready for winter is crucial for a vibrant spring. Here are some essential tips and tasks to ensure your garden thrives.


Planting Shrubs and Perennials: Early fall is the best time to plant shrubs and perennials. The cooler weather helps plants establish roots without the stress of summer heat. Make sure to water them well until they go dormant.


Mulching: Cover garden beds with a 2-4 inch layer of mulch. This insulates the soil, retains moisture, and prevents weeds. Mulch also enriches the soil as it decomposes.


Composting: Add fallen leaves and garden waste to your compost pile. Finely shred leaves with a mower for faster decomposition. Insulate your compost with a thick layer of leaves or straw to keep it warm through the winter.


Pruning: Avoid heavy pruning in the fall, especially for shrubs and perennials. Lightly trim to remove dead or diseased branches. Save major pruning for late winter or early spring.


Watering Tips: Water your garden deeply before the ground freezes. This helps plants survive winter drought. Check soil moisture regularly and water if needed, especially for new plantings.



More Autumn Garden Tips

Spring-Flowering Bulbs: Plant bulbs like daffodils and hyacinths in the fall. They need the winter chill to bloom beautifully in spring. Place them in well-draining soil and cover with mulch.


Wildlife Support: Leave seed heads on plants like coneflowers and asters. They provide food for birds through winter. Plant native trees and shrubs with berries, such as viburnum and beautyberry.


Transplanting and Dividing Plants: Early fall is an excellent time to divide and transplant perennials. This gives them time to establish roots before winter. Water thoroughly after transplanting.


By following these tips, you’ll ensure your garden is well-prepared for winter and ready to flourish in spring.


Fall Garden Inspiration

At Borst Landscape & Design, we believe every inspired garden deserves the best care and attention. As a full-service landscaping company, we offer award-winning services to ensure your garden looks stunning year-round.


High-Quality Services: We provide a wide range of services, from garden design and maintenance to organic lawn care and pest control. Our award-winning services have been recognized by satisfied customers throughout Bergen County.


Full-Service Landscaping: From planting vibrant fall foliage to preparing your garden for winter, we handle it all. Our comprehensive services ensure your garden thrives in every season.


Visit our Fall Landscape Maintenance Tips page for more. Contact us at Borst Landscape & Design or call us at 201-822-9327 for expert help keeping your garden beautiful this season.


Photo by Irina Iriser