
Top Tips for Landscaping Your Garden

Landscaping your garden can seem overwhelming at first. With countless choices and considerations, how do you even start? The good news is, getting it right begins with a few simple steps.

  • Understand Your Needs and Wants: Make a list of what you need (like a play area) and want (like a cozy patio).
  • Observe Your Space: Study how the sun and wind affect your garden throughout the day.
  • Start Small: Begin with a tiny section of your garden rather than tackling it all at once.

Each garden is unique. Whether it’s a cozy nook for reading or an open space for family gatherings, a well-designed garden layout can bring life and joy to your everyday routine.

Expert advice can make a world of difference. At Borst Landscape & Design, we specialize in transforming your outdoor space into a beautiful, safe, and functional haven. Call us at (201) 822-9327 or reach out online to get started today.

Determine Your Garden Needs and Wants

Assess Your Site

Before diving into landscaping your garden, it’s crucial to know what you need and want. Start by making a list. Do your kids need a play space? Do you want a vegetable garden? Maybe a patio for family gatherings or a cozy fire pit?

Rough sketches can help visualize your ideas. Marianne Lipanovich, author of the Big Book of Garden Designs, suggests keeping these sketches simple. Think of them as brainstorming tools rather than final plans.

Assess Your Site

Understanding your site is key. Study the sun and wind patterns. A patio on the west side of your house might seem perfect until you realize it gets too hot in the afternoon. Wind can also be a factor, especially if it blows out your fire pit.

Hardiness Zones are another important consideration. These zones help you determine which plants will thrive in your area.

Don’t forget to do a soil test. Knowing your soil’s pH and nutrient levels can help you choose the right plants and amendments. You can find soil testing kits online, or work with a professional landscaping company that provides this service.

Spend Time in Your Landscape

Before making any changes, spend some time in your yard. Observe the space over different times of the day and different seasons. This will help you understand where you naturally gravitate towards and what areas you might want to develop.

Flexible furniture can also be a great addition to your planning. Choose pieces that can be moved around to find the perfect spot.

Next, we’ll explore how to start small and plan for growth in your garden layout.

Start Small and Plan for Growth

When landscaping your garden, it’s wise to start with a small flower bed. This allows you to manage the space easily and learn as you go. For beginners, DIY landscape design can be both fun and rewarding. Another option is to start with a small professionally designed garden and work on maintaining it.

Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Annuals and Perennials: Use annuals for quick color and perennials for long-term growth. Annuals bloom for one season but give instant beauty, while perennials return year after year.
  • Patience and Temporary Solutions: Be patient. Gardens take time to mature. Use temporary solutions like fast-growing ground covers or mulch to cover bare spots.

Find a Focal Point

A focal point draws the eye and adds interest. It can be anything from a sculpture to a stunning tree. Here are some ideas:

  • Shrubs: Plant a group of shrubs for a natural focal point.
  • Salvaged Landscape Elements: Use old gates or vintage items for a unique touch.
  • Fairy Garden: Create a whimsical area with tiny plants and decorations.
  • DIY Pond: A small pond can add tranquility and attract wildlife.
  • Gazebo: Perfect for seating areas and can be a dramatic centerpiece.
  • Island Flower Bed: A raised bed in the middle of your yard can be very eye-catching.

Focus on Scale and Pacing

Scale and pacing are essential for a cohesive look.

  • Size, Shape, and Color: Use plants of varying sizes, shapes, and colors. Place tall plants against buildings or at the back of flowerbeds.
  • Repetition and New Elements: Repetition adds cohesion, but mix in new elements to avoid monotony. For example, repeat a type of flower but add a unique sculpture for interest.
  • Balance: Find a balance between repetition and new elements. This keeps your garden visually appealing without being overwhelming.

Balance is key. Too much of the same can be boring, while too many different elements can look chaotic. Lipanovich emphasizes finding the right mix to create a harmonious space.

Next, we’ll discuss the importance of being open to change and experimentation in your garden layout.

Be Open to Change and Experimentation

Landscaping your garden isn’t a one-time task. It’s an evolving process that benefits from flexibility and a willingness to experiment. Even seasoned designers acknowledge that tastes and styles change over time. So, be honest about what’s working and what’s not.

Experimentation Is Key

Don’t be afraid to try new things. If you discover a new plant or design element that excites you, give it a shot! Annuals and small perennials are perfect for experimentation. They can be easily moved if they don’t fit your vision later on.

It’s okay to experiment and edit as you go,” says Lipanovich. “Patience is key to landscape design for beginners.”

Temporary Solutions

While you’re figuring out your long-term plan, use temporary solutions to make your garden more enjoyable. Plant some annuals or fast-growing groundcovers to cover bare spaces. This not only makes the garden look better but also prevents kids and pets from tracking mud into the house.

Flexibility Matters

Being flexible allows you to adapt your garden as your needs and tastes evolve. If a particular element no longer fits, don’t hesitate to remove it. You can change elements you once loved because they no longer reflect your style.

Use Annuals and Small Perennials

Annuals and small perennials can be lifesavers. They fill gaps around larger plants that need time to grow. Plus, you can always dig them up and move them if you realize they’re in the wrong spot.

Remember: Your garden is always evolving. Flexibility and a willingness to experiment will help you create a space that feels right for you.

Partner With Professionals When Landscaping Your Garden

Landscaping your garden doesn’t have to be overwhelming. By taking small steps and planning thoughtfully, you can create a beautiful and functional outdoor space. Your garden is a living, evolving area that should reflect your needs and desires.

At Borst Landscape & Design, we offer full-service landscaping to help bring your vision to life. Our team of experienced professionals can guide you through every step of the process, from initial sketches to the final touches. Whether you need expert advice on plant selection, layout, or maintenance, we’re here to help.

Don’t wait to transform your garden into a space you love. Call Borst Landscape & Design at (201) 822-9327 or reach out online for a consultation today.

Your dream garden is just a phone call away.