
Solve Your Mosquito, Flea, and Tick Problems for Good, the Natural Way

When it comes to dealing with mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks, prevention is key. These pests can cause itchy bites and serious health risks to both people and pets. At Borst Landscape & Design, we specialize in organic pest control methods that are effective and safe for your family and pets.


Ready to take the next step? Visit our contact page or give us a call at (201) 746-4937.


Quick Tips for Prevention:

  • Eliminate Standing Water: Mosquitoes breed here.
  • Regular Yard Maintenance: Keeps pests at bay.
  • Organic Repellents: Safe and effective alternatives.
  • Professional Pest Control Services: For long-lasting results.

By choosing organic pest control, you’re making an eco-friendly, non-toxic choice for your home.


Understanding the Problem: Mosquitoes, Fleas, and Ticks

To effectively tackle mosquito, flea, and tick problems, it’s crucial to understand their habits, life cycles, and the risks they pose to humans and pets.


The Dangers of Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are more than just annoying; they are carriers of serious diseases. These tiny insects can transmit viruses like Zika, dengue, and West Nile. Dr. Saravanan Thangamani from SUNY Upstate Global Health Institute notes that mosquitoes pass infectious pathogens between humans and animals, leading to outbreaks when a pathogen gets introduced into a new area.

Lifecycle and Habitat: Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing or slow-moving water. The larvae hatch and develop in water before emerging as adults. This makes any stagnant water in your yard a potential breeding ground.

Health Risks: Mosquito bites can cause itching and swelling, and, in severe cases, lead to diseases like malaria and dengue.

Prevention: Regularly empty any standing water around your home.


The Threat of Fleas

Fleas are small but mighty when it comes to causing discomfort and health issues for pets and humans alike. They thrive in warm, humid environments and can quickly infest homes and yards.

Lifecycle and Habitat: Fleas lay eggs on their host (usually a pet), but these eggs can fall off into carpets, bedding, and yard areas. The larvae develop in these locations before maturing into adults.

Health Risks: Flea bites can cause itching, allergic reactions, and, in severe cases, transmit diseases. Pets heavily infested with fleas can suffer from anemia.

Prevention: Regularly check pets for fleas and use flea combs. Keep your yard clean and well-maintained to reduce hiding spots.


The Risks Posed by Ticks

Ticks are notorious for transmitting Lyme disease, a serious condition that can cause long-term health issues. Tick-borne diseases are a growing public health threat. Ticks latch onto hosts, feeding on their blood and potentially spreading various illnesses. Protecting yourself and your pets from ticks is crucial to avoid these health risks.

Lifecycle and Habitat: Ticks thrive in wooded and grassy areas. They go through four stages: egg, larva, nymph, and adult. Ticks latch onto hosts (humans or animals) to feed on blood at each stage.

Health Risks: Tick bites can transmit Lyme disease, causing symptoms like fever, fatigue, and joint pain. In severe cases, it can lead to heart problems and neurological issues.

Prevention: Regularly check pets and family members for ticks after spending time outdoors. Use natural pest control services and keep your grass trimmed to reduce tick habitats.

Understanding these pests is the first step in effective control. By knowing their lifecycles and habitats, you can take targeted actions to protect your home and loved ones. In the next section, we’ll explore organic solutions for controlling mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks, ensuring a safe and healthy environment for all.


Organic Solutions for Mosquito, Flea, and Tick Control

When it comes to controlling mosquito, flea, and tick problems, going organic is a safe and effective choice. Let’s explore how you can tackle each pest naturally.

Organic Mosquito Control

1. Use EPA-Registered Repellents

When using repellents, choose those that are registered with the EPA for safety and effectiveness. Ingredients like cedar, lemongrass, and citronella oil are great for repelling mosquitoes without harming beneficial insects.

2. Eliminate Standing Water

Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water. Regularly empty bird baths, gutters, and any containers holding water.

3. Introduce Natural Predators

Encourage the presence of natural mosquito predators like bats, dragonflies, and certain bird species. You can install bat houses or bird feeders to attract these helpful creatures.

Organic Flea Control

1. Diatomaceous Earth

This natural powder is safe for pets and humans but lethal to fleas. Sprinkle it on your yard and pet bedding to dehydrate and kill fleas.

2. Pet-Safe Treatments

Use botanical oils like cedar and rosemary on your pets. These oils repel fleas and are gentle on your pet’s skin. Always follow the instructions to ensure safety.

3. Yard Maintenance

Keep your lawn mowed and free of debris. Fleas thrive in tall grass and shaded areas. Regular yard maintenance disrupts their habitat and reduces their numbers.


Organic Tick Control

1. Wear Protective Clothing

One simple way to keep ticks off is to wear the right clothes. Choose light-colored clothing so you can spot ticks easily. Tuck your pants into your socks to create a barrier that ticks can’t cross.

2. Yard Sprays

Use organic yard sprays that contain ingredients like thyme and citronella oil. These sprays create a barrier that ticks avoid, keeping your yard tick-free.

3. Professional Services

For comprehensive control, consider hiring professional services like Borst Landscape & Design.


Keeping your yard free from mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks requires ongoing effort. Here’s how you can maintain a pest-free outdoor space:

Practical Tips for Long-Term Prevention

Proper yard maintenance plays a huge role in preventing mosquito, flea, and tick infestations. Here are some actionable tips:

Yard Maintenance and Landscaping

  1. Regular Mowing: Keep your grass short. Tall grass is a favorite spot for ticks.
  2. Trimming Bushes and Trees: Trim bushes and trees to reduce shaded areas where mosquitoes and ticks thrive.
  3. Debris Removal: Clear out leaves, branches, and other debris. These can be breeding grounds for pests.

Professional Pest Control Services

For comprehensive care, consider hiring a professional service like Borst Landscape & Design. Consistent, professional care ensures long-term prevention.

Borst offers organic treatments and expert advice to keep your yard pest-free. Our team can handle everything from yard maintenance to specialized organic pest control, ensuring your outdoor spaces are safe for family and pets.


For expert organic pest control services, contact Borst Landscape & Design at (201) 746-4937 or visit our contact page today.


Don’t let mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks ruin your outdoor enjoyment. Let us help you reclaim your yard naturally and safely.

Photo by Caleb Wright on Unsplash