
Spring Deep Root Feeding for Healthier Trees


Give Your Trees a Boost With Spring Deep Root Feeding

Spring deep root feeding is a key tactic for supporting the health and growth of your landscape’s trees. This process involves delivering nutrients directly to the tree’s root zone, ensuring they receive the nourishment needed without the competition from grass and other surface plants. It’s a crucial step as the weather warms up, encouraging strong growth through the summer months.

Benefits of spring deep root feeding include:

  • Enhanced tree and shrub vigor, improving resistance against diseases and pests.
  • Increased nutrient uptake due to targeted feeding.
  • Support for the root system, essential for overall plant health.


If ensuring the vitality and beauty of your trees is a priority for your Bergen, Morris, or Essex County property, it’s time to consider professional spring deep root feeding services. With the support of experts, your landscape can thrive. For expert guidance and service in New Jersey, there’s no better team to trust than Borst Landscape & Design. Contact us today online or by calling (201) 822-9327 to schedule a consultation and give your trees the best start this spring.

Infographic: The Benefits of Spring Deep Root Feeding and How to Get Started - Explains the importance of providing nutrients directly to the tree's root zone for healthier, more resilient plants. Includes a call to action with Borst Landscape & Design's contact number. - spring deep root feeding infographic pillar-3-steps

Understanding Spring Deep Root Feeding

The Science Behind Deep Root Feeding

Deep root feeding is a process where nutrients are delivered directly to a tree’s root zone. The root zone is where roots absorb water and nutrients from the soil. By targeting this area, we make sure the trees get exactly what they need to grow strong and healthy.


Soil Health is crucial for trees. Good soil has the right balance of air, water, nutrients, and microorganisms. Deep root feeding can improve soil health by adding necessary nutrients and helping break up compacted soil, allowing roots to breathe and grow.


Nutrient Absorption happens in the root zone. Trees absorb water and dissolved nutrients through their roots. When we feed the roots directly, we ensure that the trees get the nutrients they need without waste.


Pros of Spring Deep Root Feeding

  • Targeted Nutrition: By feeding the roots directly, we ensure that the trees get the nutrients they need, right where they need them.
  • Improved Soil Health: Deep root feeding can help break up compacted soil, allowing for better water and air movement through the soil.
  • Reduced Wastage: Surface feeding can lead to fertilizer runoff, especially during heavy rains. Deep root feeding reduces this risk, making it a more environmentally friendly option.


ISA Recommendations and Arborist Views:

The International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) and many professional arborists recommend deep root feeding, especially in urban or suburban environments where soil compaction and poor soil health are common problems. They suggest that, when done correctly, deep root feeding can significantly benefit tree health by improving nutrient absorption and soil conditions around the root zone.


ISA-certified arborists understand the science behind deep root feeding and will ensure your trees receive the care they need to thrive.


Spring deep root feeding is a crucial practice for maintaining the health and vigor of your trees. Let’s dive into the best practices for effective feeding and highlight common mistakes to avoid.


Best Practices for Effective Feeding

1. Choose the Right Time: The best time for spring deep root feeding is early in the season, just as the trees begin to break dormancy but before new growth fully emerges. This timing ensures that the trees can immediately utilize the nutrients provided for spring growth.


2. Professional Application: While it’s possible to attempt deep root feeding on your own, professional services like those offered by Borst Landscape & Design ensure that the job is done right. Our experts use specialized equipment to inject the fertilizer at the correct depth and distribution around the root zone. To get started, call us at (201) 822-9327.


3. Correct Fertilizer Selection: Use a balanced fertilizer that suits the specific nutrient needs of your trees. A soil test can reveal these needs, ensuring that the fertilizer promotes healthy growth without causing nutrient imbalances.


4. Watering: After fertilizing, it’s important to water the area well. This helps to distribute the nutrients throughout the soil and makes them more accessible to the tree’s roots.


Common Mistakes to Avoid

1. Over-fertilization: More is not always better. Applying too much fertilizer can harm your trees by causing nutrient imbalances or even burning the roots. Stick to the recommended rates based on the size and species of your trees.


2. Incorrect Timing: Fertilizing too late in the spring can push trees to produce new growth that might not harden off before the fall. This makes the trees more susceptible to winter damage.


3. Wrong Equipment: Using general garden equipment for deep root feeding can lead to ineffective distribution of the fertilizer. Professional services use specialized equipment designed to reach the deep root zones without damaging the tree or its roots.


By adhering to these best practices and avoiding common pitfalls, you can ensure that your trees receive the nutrients they need to support healthy growth and development throughout the season.


The Role of Professionals in Deep Root Feeding

When it comes to spring deep root feeding, the role of professionals cannot be overstated. The right expertise and approach can ensure your trees not only survive but thrive. Here’s why choosing the right service provider is crucial.


Choosing the Right Service Provider

Arborist Expertise

Professionals, especially certified arborists, bring a depth of knowledge about different tree species, their growth patterns, and their nutritional needs. They understand how to assess a tree’s health and determine the most effective feeding strategy.


Soil Analysis

Before any fertilization is done, it’s important to know what the soil lacks or has in excess. Professionals conduct soil analysis to identify nutrient deficiencies, pH imbalances, or toxicities. This step is crucial for tailoring the fertilization process to meet the specific needs of your trees.


Customized Plans

Each tree and landscape is unique. Professionals create customized fertilization plans that consider factors like tree species, soil conditions, and the surrounding ecosystem. This personalized approach ensures that trees receive the right nutrients in the right amounts.



Certifications matter. Look for service providers with certified arborists on their team. Certifications indicate that the professionals have undergone rigorous training and adhere to industry standards.



Experience counts. Providers with years of experience have likely encountered a wide range of tree health scenarios and have refined their techniques over time.


Borst Landscape & Design

Choosing Borst Landscape & Design means partnering with a team that combines arborist expertise, comprehensive soil analysis, and customized plans to meet your trees’ specific needs. Our certified and experienced professionals are dedicated to ensuring the health and beauty of your landscape.


With Borst, you’re not just getting a service; you’re getting a partner committed to the health and vitality of your trees. Our approach is thorough, from initial soil analysis to the creation of a tailored fertilization plan, ensuring your trees have what they need to grow strong and healthy.


The success of your spring deep root feeding program depends significantly on the expertise of the professionals you choose. Don’t leave the health of your trees to chance. Contact Borst Landscape & Design today at (201) 822-9327 to schedule a consultation and ensure your trees get the professional care they deserve this spring.