
Ask the Experts: Why You Shouldn’t Trim Hedges in July


Read on to understand why you shouldn’t trim hedges in July.

As the summer sun blazes and nature flourishes, many homeowners are tempted to reach for their shears and trim their hedges into shape during the month of July. However, before you embark on a midsummer pruning spree, it’s essential to understand the impact such actions can have on the health and vitality of your hedge and the delicate ecosystem it supports. Contrary to popular belief, trimming hedges later in the year is the preferred course of action. In this article, we delve into the reasons why you shouldn’t trim hedges in July, focusing on preserving greenery, maintaining biodiversity, and fostering a flourishing natural habitat.

Borst Landscape & Design is your partner in creating breathtaking outdoor spaces, and we’re here to revolutionize how you care for your property. Our team of expert landscapers knows that timing is everything, and we’ll guide you on a journey toward healthier, lusher hedges that will make your neighbors green with envy. So, put away those shears and relax as we share why you shouldn’t trim hedges in July. Reach out today for your free consultation! 

Call Borst at (201) 822-9327 or fill out a contact form on our website.

Why you shouldn’t trim hedges in July

High summer is a period of active growth for many plants, including hedges. Pruning during this time can disrupt the natural growth cycle and potentially harm the overall health of the hedge. Allowing your hedges to grow undisturbed during their peak growth phase results in stronger and healthier plants that can better withstand harsh weather conditions and pests in the long run.

Another reason you shouldn’t trim hedges in July is that this is typically when many birds and insects are busy building nests or rearing their young. Trimming hedges during this crucial period can disturb nesting birds, disrupt insect populations, and negatively impact your garden’s overall biodiversity. By postponing the pruning process until after the nesting season, you provide a safe and undisturbed environment for these beneficial creatures to thrive.

Plus, July is usually characterized by high temperatures and increased sunlight exposure. Pruning hedges during this time can leave fresh cuts and open wounds on the plants, making them more susceptible to sunburn and heat stress. It’s best to wait until the weather cools down a bit to avoid unnecessary stress and potential damage.

If not in July, then when?

In general, it’s recommended to prune hedges during their dormant period. This is typically in late winter or early spring before new growth begins. This allows the hedge to recover quickly and encourages healthy regrowth. By trimming plants later in the year, you can shape them to your desired form, remove dead or damaged branches, and promote dense, lush growth for the upcoming growing season.

However, there are exceptions to this rule! Researching the specific pruning requirements for your particular species is important to determine the most appropriate timing for trimming. Understanding your hedges’ growth habits, flowering patterns, and specific needs will help you determine the optimal time to trim and maintain their health and beauty.

Borst takes out the guesswork

Now you know why you shouldn’t trim hedges in July. If you’re looking for more guidance about when is the best time for the specific needs of your plants, Borst has the answers for you.

We’re not just about providing top-notch hedge-trimming services – we’re about empowering you with knowledge and helping you make informed decisions. Our team is well-versed in the unique needs of different hedge species, their growth patterns, and optimal pruning times. We take the time to assess your specific hedges. We consider their type, health, and desired outcome to determine the perfect timing for trimming.

Our goal is to enhance the beauty and longevity of your hedges while maintaining the overall health of your landscape. Trust us with your hedge care, and we’ll transform your landscape into the oasis of your dreams!

Call us today at (201) 581-8076 for your free consultation, or fill out an online contact form for more information.