Fall “To Do” List
- Final lawn cutting performed and fall clean-ups begin
- Close ponds (mid to late November)
- Spot seeding
- Fall planting
- Plant spring flowering bulbs (Mid October – Mid November)
- Late season transplanting
- First application of deer repellents to protect shrubs
- Perform Deep Root Feeding on trees and shrubs
- Apply horticultural oil to control overwintering insects
- Shut down irrigation system
- Create fall garden display (Hay bales / cornstalks)
- Apply antidesiccant to susceptible evergreens
- Cut back perennials

Frequently Asked Questions
Fall cleanups begin the 3rd week in October and are completed by Christmas.
Deep Root Feeding of your plants is probably the most beneficial service you can have done. It improves the health and vigor of your plants, making them more resistant to environmental stress, insects, and disease.
In the fall, a plant’s energy shifts down to the root system where root elongation and food storage take place. As a result, the material is more efficiently absorbed and has the maximum benefit for the plants.